Scratch Diaries

Striving for Imperfection
Imperfect. That's my word of the year. As an adjective it simply means not complete, not perfect. I want to apply it as a verb too- to not perfect something, to...
Striving for Imperfection
Imperfect. That's my word of the year. As an adjective it simply means not complete, not perfect. I want to apply it as a verb too- to not perfect something, to...

Digging deeper into your "Why"
Why do you make things with clay?The simple answer: because I love making things with clay. But why?Why do we make the things we make? Why do we choose the...
Digging deeper into your "Why"
Why do you make things with clay?The simple answer: because I love making things with clay. But why?Why do we make the things we make? Why do we choose the...

Body Vessel Clay: Black Women, Ceramics & Conte...
Ladi Kwali and Dame Magdalene Odundo are, to put it lightly, two of my favourite ceramic artists. Their pots have excited and inspired me since I first learnt about them...
Body Vessel Clay: Black Women, Ceramics & Conte...
Ladi Kwali and Dame Magdalene Odundo are, to put it lightly, two of my favourite ceramic artists. Their pots have excited and inspired me since I first learnt about them...

Weber Braai Smoke Firing
Pots and fire, in the KZN Midlands! Learning is one of my favourite things to do. I love refreshing my skills and understanding new things to apply in my creative...
Weber Braai Smoke Firing
Pots and fire, in the KZN Midlands! Learning is one of my favourite things to do. I love refreshing my skills and understanding new things to apply in my creative...

Rust Dyeing Fabric
I experimented with rust dyeing a few years ago and came away with some beautifully transformed pieces of fabric. I use these to bring texture and colour into the photos...
Rust Dyeing Fabric
I experimented with rust dyeing a few years ago and came away with some beautifully transformed pieces of fabric. I use these to bring texture and colour into the photos...

21 things I learnt in 2021
2021 was another year filled with unexpected challenges and blessings. Whether it made me laugh, cry, smile, scream... everything was a lesson. As I reflect back on the year, I...
21 things I learnt in 2021
2021 was another year filled with unexpected challenges and blessings. Whether it made me laugh, cry, smile, scream... everything was a lesson. As I reflect back on the year, I...